Best Gifts for those with Anxiety

First of all, we all get anxious sometimes. Some life challenges are more difficult than others. We all deserve to find peace and calm whenever life difficulties arise. It’s also important to know that the sooner we relax and heal our emotional reactions to these stressors, the closer we will be to the solutions that ultimately will serve us. So what is available to us at any given moment when our bodies begin to respond with overwhelm or anxiety?

Let me introduce to you some of the go-tos that can move us toward a healing outcome. First and foremost, AWARENESS. Nothing can change if we are unaware that our body reacts to external circumstances. For good or for bad the body is designed to protect us and when it is thrown off balance whether by crisis, our hormones, food intolerance, alcohol intake, etc. it sets off an alarm. For some of us, it can be as severe as a panic attack or as subtle as a headache. or insomnia. Nonetheless, your body’s wisdom attempts to inform you that something has thrown your balance off, and now it’s our job to listen and respond.

So we begin by finding methods that will calm the system and begin to restore its sense of balance and safety. As a Life Coach for over 30 years, I can tell you that we are blessed to have so many options to draw from but because when we’re in crisis it is so difficult to respond, I’ve created some options that will get you back to balance and calm so the body can heal and provide the answers you need to navigate life challenges. If you could find a quiet place to rest and do a self-hypnosis or NLP session for about 15 minutes, whether during a break at work or while trying to rest at home, you would begin to turn off the alarms that want you to pay attention. Because science tells us that rest and sleep are crucial to healing, I will initially just focus on getting you to take a moment to get into a relaxing position and use these Eyecovering and Bluetooth headsets that will create conditions that your body will begin to recognize as your healing time. Check out this particular set if you’re curious. For less than $40. you can bring your mind into a relaxed state.

Next, it’s time to assess what would be most beneficial to your emotional state so you can customize the type of self-hypnosis or visualization that would serve you best. If you are thinking of gifting this, you may want to recommend the person begin with a general relaxation audio mp3 that would begin the calming and balancing practice. You can look up relaxation binaural beats on YouTube. You can also purchase an mp3 from Amazon very inexpensively and not worry about commercials or interruptions.

If you or someone you care about is going through a specific type of life challenge, in which case I recommend going to YouTube and searching, for example, self-hypnosis for insomnia or self-hypnosis for anxiety, and finding out the types of voices and styles that are soothing in that moment and use the headsets with Bluetooth pillow for creating a more relaxing experience.

For more generalized types of anxiety, it will be helpful to understand your triggers and adopt a philosophy using self-hypnosis that will help you generate more resilience and self-confidence. Learning when to let go of what you can’t control in life and practicing self-hypnosis and NLP techniques will entrain you to preemptively create strategies for dealing with life difficulties.

This Bluetooth eyemask helps you train yourself to stay internally focused while practicing meditation and self-hypnosis techniques with the extra value of helping you reach a deeper relaxed state of mind.

Come back for more tips and modalities to help you deal with life stressors and gain the inner resilience that generates a sense of peace and calm.

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